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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Mark Twains Humorous Satire in Running for Governor

zwwx@overseaen.com http://www.overseaen.com 2012 Ã¥ ¹ ´ 02 æÅ"ˆ Tel:+86-551-5690811 5690812 ISSN 1009-5039 Overseas English æ µ · Ã¥ ¤â€" è‹ ± è ¯ ­ Overseas English æ µ · Ã¥ ¤â€" è‹ ± è ¯ ­ Mark Twains Humorous Satire in Running for Governor ç” °Ã¥â‚¬ © ï ¼Ë†Ã¥ ® Ã¥ ¤ Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¥ ­ ¦ Ã¥ ¤â€"å› ½Ã¨ ¯ ­Ã¥ ­ ¦Ã©â„¢ ¢Ã¯ ¼Å' Ã¥ ® Ã¥ ¤  é“ ¶Ã¥ ·  750021ï ¼â€° Abstract: Mark Twain, a mastermind of humor and realism, is seen as a giant in world literature. His humorous satire had great impact on the following men of letters; critics also attached significant importance to it and put forward various interpretations. Noticeably, his humor⠁Æ' ous satire finds full expression in his famous short story, Running for Governor. In it, with humor and satire, he exposed the true features and hypocrisy of American democracy. The paper tries to analyze the basic elements which†¦show more content†¦Twain owes it to himself, as well as to the great people whose suffrages he asks, to clear this matter up. Will he do it? These three words the great people are full of localism, also with humor to demonstrate my rivals extraordinary skills2. His words are colloquial, concrete and direct in effect, and his sentence structures are simple such as will he do it, but humorously sati⠁Æ' rize officialdoms true features. His humor is not only of witty remarks mocking at small things or of farcical elements making people laugh, but a kind of artistic style used to criticize the social injustice and satirize the decayed romanticism. 3 Influences of Mark Twains Humorous Satire Twains works, both in content and form, with more American characteristics, demonstrate Americans thoughts and feelings and reflect the manifold movements of American society by using their own language and telling their own stories. Twains life is difficult, but he wrote a large number of literary works. From the spiritually empty and nothing-to-do people, to the unscrupulous politicians, æ” ¶Ã§ ¨ ¿Ã¦â€" ¥Ã¦Å"Ÿï ¼Å¡ -12-05 2011 ä ¿ ®Ã¥â€ºÅ¾Ã¦â€" ¥Ã¦Å"Ÿï ¼Å¡ -01-05 2012 ä ½Å"者ç ®â‚¬Ã¤ »â€¹Ã¯ ¼Å¡ ï ¼Å' ç” °Ã¥â‚¬ © Ã¥ ® Ã¥ ¤ Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¥ ­ ¦Ã¥ ¤â€"è ¯ ­Ã¥ ­ ¦Ã©â„¢ ¢Ã§ ¡â€¢Ã¥ £ «Ã§  â€Ã§ © ¶Ã§â€Å¸Ã¯ ¼Å' ä ¸ »Ã¨ ¦ Ã§  â€Ã§ © ¶Ã¦â€" ¹Ã¥ â€˜Ã¤ ¸ ºÃ¨â€¹ ±Ã¨ ¯ ­Ã¨ ¯ ­Ã¨ ¨â‚¬Ã¦â€"‡å ­ ¦Ã£â‚¬â€š 206 ä ¸ ­Ã¥ ¤â€"æâ€"‡å ­ ¦Ã¦â€"‡åÅ'â€"ç  â€Ã§ © ¶ æÅ" ¬Ã¦   Ã§â€º ®Ã¨ ´ £Ã¤ » »Ã§ ¼â€"è ¾â€˜Ã¯ ¼Å¡ æ  ¨Ã¨  ²Ã¨  ² 2012 Ã¥ ¹ ´ 02 æÅ"ˆ to the rulers of money and the rulers of spiritual morality became the objects of Twains ruthless ridicule, biting satire and criticism. As a distinguished master of humor and irony, Twains humor with his unique style, a

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